LeRoy Eims on the importance of Scripture memory: "I think two of the master strokes of the devil have been to convince people he doesn't exist, and that Scripture memory is only for children. He remembers the humility of defeat when Jesus Christ, who was tempted in all points like as we are, met him with the Word of God." (What Every Christian Should Know About Growing; p. 26-27)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:12

Today is Tuesday so review the book of Titus.

1 Corinthians 13:12
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Review the first 11 verses and then move on to today's verse.  It's a bit longer, but not too difficult.  Either way it's the same thing - repetition is the only way to memorize.  Repeat, repeat, repeat.

MacArthurs explains....
the only mirrors that we know of in the ancient world were rather dim because they were made out of metal...made out of metal. And so they had rather dim impressions, vague shadowy reflections. So we look in a kind of a mirror that is not clear to us. We see in part. We see darkly. Or literally the word is the word for a riddle, we look in this mirror and there’s an indistinct vision, so we say that the best we can do in this life is to see a kind of representation that is not crystal clear. But one day, and I love this, we will see face to face. We won’t look in a mirror, we won’t be looking at a reflection, we’ll be looking at a face and it won’t be distorted....

As you gaze into the glory of Christ, you’re changed into His image, but even as we look into Scripture, it is not like seeing Him face to face. The ancient city, by the way, in Corinth was famous for its mirrors, made of polished metal. Even at their best they were dim and they were clouded because metal deteriorated and they had certain flaws. So our present knowledge is dim. It’s true knowledge. It’s a true representation. But some day, face to face, some day we will know as we are known, perfect vision, perfect sight, we won’t be singing, “Be Thou my vision,” because He will be.

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