LeRoy Eims on the importance of Scripture memory: "I think two of the master strokes of the devil have been to convince people he doesn't exist, and that Scripture memory is only for children. He remembers the humility of defeat when Jesus Christ, who was tempted in all points like as we are, met him with the Word of God." (What Every Christian Should Know About Growing; p. 26-27)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

1 Corinthians 13:5

1 Corinthians 13:5
 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Begin by reviewing 1 Corinthians 13:1-4.  Then move on to today's verse.

What part of today's verse pricks your conscience?  Where is the Holy Spirit convicting you of a lack of love?  What area do you need to work on?

John MacArthur.....
 Love does not act unbecomingly...Love does not behave dishonorably, inappropriately, ill-mannered. This is a big word, broad word, ill-mannered, rude...rude....Rudeness is disdained for someone else.... Love behaves graciously, not gracelessly. It treats all with a redeeming deference. There’s no thought of self but only of others. And the only thought is what is fitting, what is suitable, what is honorable, what is elevating, never demands satisfaction for self, is never rude or corrupt at the expense of others.
You could sum it up by saying, “Love yields all personal rights.” ...
True love is always unselfish.....Love always and only thinks of others. It is consumed with others and utterly indifferent to its own self.
love is not provoked. .....There’s a time for holy anger, for righteous wrath. ..... But apart from that, apart from having your soul stirred by ungodliness and what brings shame upon the name of Christ, and what attempts to diminish the glory of God and undermine the truth of Scripture, and those things that produce righteous anger, love is not made so anger...so angry over personal offenses....when it comes to personal things, love bears all injuries suffered at the hands of others without exasperation and without irritation.
[love] Does not take into account a wrong suffered...You don’t blow up when you’re injured. Love doesn’t do that. Love forgives. And you don’t hold a long-term grudge, this is a word that has to do with accounting. It’s an accountant’s word......Love doesn’t keep books. It doesn’t keep records. It doesn’t recite all the wrongs done. It doesn’t keep a mental record of all the offenses until the proverbial molehill becomes a mountain. And that molehill of resentment becomes a mountain of hostility.

Remember, we're not just memorizing for the sake of memorizing.  We're memorizing for many reasons - one of which is transformation and life application.  How does meditating on these verses affect the way you will live your life?

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