LeRoy Eims on the importance of Scripture memory: "I think two of the master strokes of the devil have been to convince people he doesn't exist, and that Scripture memory is only for children. He remembers the humility of defeat when Jesus Christ, who was tempted in all points like as we are, met him with the Word of God." (What Every Christian Should Know About Growing; p. 26-27)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Titus 2:6

Titus 2:6
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled.

A new day and a new verse. Start with the previous five and then move on to verse 6.

Recite today's verse at least ten times while getting ready for the day.

Keep the TV off and review verses instead.

Are you seeing any similarities in Paul's instructions to the different people?  What and why?

Think about what the body of Christ would be like if we all obeyed these instructions.

Keep your mind and heart surrendered to God's thoughts. Is He teaching you something?

Come back at lunch to feast on God's Word. Take every thought captive.

Mundane chores and errands can become joyful when you include Scripture review.

Conclude your day by rehearsing what God is teaching you in His Word.

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